Albert Dijk

Founding Partner

Albert Dijk is a Founding Partner of Nudus, a firm in architecture and urban planning. As an architect and urban designer, his approach to projects is deeply rooted in an analytical view of design challenges, meticulously dissecting complex information and data to understand the core of a problem. This thorough analysis phase is characteristic of Albert’s approach and enables him to come up with creative and responsible design solutions.

Driven by his dedication to divers, wondrous and adaptive cities and spaces, he is currently spearheading the development of Utrecht’s transformative city hub, “Oopen,” with a vision for healthy urban living, Albert is also at the forefront of noteworthy initiatives such as EDGE Coolsingel, the largest Net-Zero building in Rotterdam; and the spatial vision for the BioTechCampus in Delft, a celebration of biodiversity, innovation, and health where he also acts as supervisor.

Albert studied at the Delft University of Technology and the Swiss Federal institute of Technology in Lausanne. Prior to his partnership at NUDUS, he worked as an associate architect at Barcode Architects (2011-2023), amongst others on the Earth Simulation Laboratory, a cutting-edge research facility for the Faculty of Geosciences at Utrecht Science Park and several urban plans, such as the Glasfabriek transformation in Schiedam and Weezenlanden-Noord in Zwolle.

Lectures, Research & Exhibitions (Selection)
2024: Guest Lecture and critic Mega Studio TU Delft
2024: Slow How Sloterdijk exhibition Arcam Amsterdam
2021: Gastlezing Transformatie Glasfabriek Schiedam | Hogeschool Rotterdam
2021: Lezing Transformatie Glasfabriek Schiedam | Nederlands Renovatie Platform Challenge
2021: Workshop Non-Measurable Data samen met Jelena Nikolic | Indesem Symposium TU Delft
2017: Lezing Dag van de architectuur – Transformatie Earth Simulation Laboratory Utrecht