The Palace of Justice in The Hague faces an enormous challenge: a complete renovation and partial extension while maintaining court processes during construction. The Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgebouwbedrijf) has courageously opted for a circular approach, to preserve the entire 78,000m2 complex, including the 1970s modernist Sevenhuijsen buildings (P1 low and P1 high), and the 1990s high-rise (P2) by architect Van Vugt.

Our design proposal for the new Palace of Justice raises the bar. It sets a new standard for circular design by repurposing all the existing building’s façade glass and stone in the new construction. We prioritise the use of these readily available materials, embracing sustainability in a new way. We term this approach ‘het nieuwe bouwen’ (the new way of building).

In addition to this innovative circular approach, the design focuses on the well-being of its users.
Within the palace and its offices, we prioritise design interventions that enhance connections to the exterior and maximise the influx of natural light.

A spacious garden, directly accessible from the restaurant, now graces the roof of the lower P1 volume. In the garden, we designed a smart architectural element: a traditional peristyle. The peristyle functions as an efficient outdoor corridor, allowing the magistrates to reach the courtrooms swiftly. Simultaneously, it organises the user-specific routes in the Palace while also ensuring that the expansive windows connecting the internal streets with the outdoors offer a fully immersive experience. On the roof, the peristyle enhances comfort by shielding against strong winds and blocking unwanted views from neighbouring towers. It additionally enables users to engage with natural light and fresh air prior to their arrival in the courtroom.

Through these design choices, we create an environment where users can fully experience the qualities of the natural elements.


Building R11 takes a central role within the Fontys campus. Programmatically it serves as the central hub for various campus amenities, including the restaurant, the library and a spacious lecture hall. From an urban-design perspective, it serves as an entrance point and future focal point. However, this central urban position within the campus site introduces an intriguing ambiguity: on two sides, it faces the public functions of the entrance route and central square. On the other sides, it faces the parking garage and private single-family houses.

The design for R11 skilfully addresses this urban condition by creating a striking juxtaposition.

On one side, there is a transparent and inviting façade, while on the other, a closed façade with folded reflective sheets interacts with the surroundings and nature. The resulting welcoming design creates a robust connection between the interior and the surrounding landscape, as well as with fellow campus users.


The VU campus on the Amsterdam Zuidas is transforming into a mixed-use campus for education, research, housing and culture. Set against the backdrop of the monolithic grey structures of the Zuidas and its location on a main access road, the surroundings have a rather oppressive character.

Given the harsh urban context, we challenged ourselves to create an inviting, social and very healthy building for the scientific entrepreneurs at the Matrix Innovation Center (MIC).

Our primary goal was to give back space to the public realm, offering a green and relaxed atmosphere along the Boelelaan. To achieve this, we departed from the prevailing design of a singular, massive block. Instead, we conceived two intersecting volumes of varying sizes. They form a cross marked by inverted corners on all sides. These corners are strategically designed to give a sense of openness and offer valuable extra space to the public domain. The corner facing the Boelelaan is particularly noteworthy: situated on the main axis of the Zuidas, it offers a pleasantly sized urban square for pause and conversation. Our chosen design approach addresses the urban challenges, enriches the urban environment and encourages community engagement in the users.

The building’s earth-toned façade and inviting entrance serve as a welcoming gesture, encouraging people to step inside. Once inside, visitors are immediately captured by the building’s dynamic, health-focused core: a three-level atrium that consolidates shared amenities to strengthen the community. A lush green roof garden is visible from the entrance hall, and a first-floor patio offers an immediate connection with greenery and nature.


R12 is the Fontys building for practical, hands-on education, featuring specialised facilities that replicate professional settings such as physiotherapy, MRI, surgery, sports, dance, and technical workshops. Some of these spaces are open to the public, providing Eindhoven residents with access to specific medical treatments. This unique combination enhances the learning experience for students and also benefits the community by offering valuable services.

How do you create a welcoming atmosphere and balance this with the privacy requirements of the numerous medical rooms for students and visitors?

This dual character of the R12 building served as our design inspiration. Internally, a diagonal stepped atrium warmly welcomes visitors, leading to a grand staircase connecting various floors. Adjacent vibrant and colourful spaces provide unexpected experiences linked to campus activities. As one goes deeper into the building, discreet private areas are thoughtfully situated away from the main path, ensuring the security and comfort of students and patients. At the juncture where the atrium meets the façade, a generous window frames scenic city views, reinforcing Fontys’ presence along Eindhoven’s ring road. The two-level base boasts striking triangular ‘showcase’ windows, promoting interaction between interior and exterior spaces, particularly with the central campus square.


The existing dsm-firmenich site is characterised by its industrial and introverted nature. The company’s forward-looking vision is to evolve into a leading co-creation and innovation partner in the fields of nutrition and health, prioritising sustainability for our planet and bringing progress to life. This vision necessitates a transformation of the campus to reflect these objectives.

We value diversity as a key component in achieving change at the campus. It plays a significant role in facilitating collaboration. Diversity is also central to our design strategy, enabling the integration of varied architecture and perspectives to create interconnectivity and new views. The strategy results in a unique new campus, which we have named the Bio(tech)Diversity Campus.

The sought-after diversity includes everything: flora, fauna, buildings, people and workplaces. The valuable elements already present, such as the wetland, Italian poplars and existing buildings, were taken as the starting point. On top of this, we have introduced a flexible framework that enables the campus to respond to evolving needs and emerging technologies; the adaptability contributes to sustainable growth and long-term resilience. It consists of a uniform 1.8-metre grid for both streets and buildings, simplifying the planning process for future developments. In this framework, three distinct spatial elements are introduced that provide orientation and further facilitate diversity: a central backbone, a central square and an architectural accent per cluster.

Incorporating recognisable architectural elements and a diverse range of functions, such as the experience/exhibition centre, conference facilities, catering services and a gym, increases the overall appeal of the campus and the outdoor space. The provision of these amenities transforms the Bio(tech)Diversity Campus Delft into a hub where knowledge, innovation and interaction converge, stimulating collaboration, creating new perspectives and strengthening its diverse character.


The demolition of the historic structure at Coolsingel 75, originally designed by J.J.P. Oud, has created a significant void along this prominent Rotterdam boulevard. Oud’s architectural vision for this classic building was influenced by El Lissitzky’s horizontal skyscraper concept and an exhibition by Lissitzky featuring paintings showcased against a backdrop of refined lines. This fusion of ideas shaped the elegance of Oud’s design.

We have embraced the challenge of creating a new building that pays homage to the prominent location on the Coolsingel, Oud’s refined original design and its inspirational source, El Lissitzky’s elegant drawings.

The building’s design is in harmony with the urban rhythm of the Coolsingel, featuring a prominent plinth, a six-storey central volume, and a three-storey setback top. This architectural composition ensures that the new structure blends into the cityscape. The horizontal articulation of the main volume and the playful folds in the façade are a direct reference to Oud’s design, creating a dynamic appearance that interacts with changing light conditions. Meanwhile, the upper volume exhibits a prominent vertical and pleated façade, providing a compelling contrast to the volume below, and creating a sense of balance and architectural intrigue.

The atrium positioned along the façade promotes interaction and connection with the Coolsingel, allowing ample daylight into the building and framing views of the City Hall when exiting the stairs and lifts. At the top of the atrium, a prominent art installation takes centre stage, mirroring the historical integration of art in the new design.

The resulting design proposal takes the core principles of the original visionary ideas and translates them into the context of the 21st century.


The USP campus enjoys a unique setting in the landscape just outside the historical city of Utrecht. It is this setting that imparts a distinctive identity to the campus: large buildings that merge with the abundant green surroundings. Over time, the campus became crowded and faced traffic congestion, leading to the intrusion of infrastructure. This had an adverse effect on both public spaces and the natural landscape.

To revitalise the campus, we addressed several key challenges: to centralise pedestrians within the campus, generate opportunities for social interaction, and reintegrate the experience of the green landscape.

To achieve this, we have implemented a city boulevard with lively ground-level functions, reduced traffic speeds to enhance safety, and allocated more space for interactions, stimulating the exchange of ideas between students, researchers and companies. Furthermore, we have introduced five unique squares – called pockets – within the campus, each catering to different preferences, including sunny areas, shaded spots, large spaces and welcoming corners. This variety of public spaces enhances the overall campus atmosphere and experience.

Once we had defined the desired quality of the public space, we strategically designed the building volumes around it, with a focus on preserving vistas to the natural surroundings. With this approach, we are accommodating the campus’s growth. We have clearly defined the quality of the space between the buildings and are safeguarding the essential green surroundings. The result harmonises the architectural design with the natural environment, creating a balanced and inviting campus atmosphere that preserves its unique character.


The Port of Rotterdam Authority issued a call to design sustainable and inclusive future accommodation to house its diverse functions and departments. The location is the heart of the Eemhaven in the middle of the action and directly on the water.

Our design answer literally brings everything together under a single, expansive roof.

The large roof is made of mass timber and shelters three scaled-down blocks accommodating offices, workshops and storage. Nestled between these three blocks is the building’s social and technical heart. The central gathering place where individuals from various departments meet is the collaborative core of the design.

The roof is the symbol for the Port Authority. It is constructed with the ambition to maximise natural light penetration, reducing the need for artificial lighting. Integrated solar panels harvest energy, and its overhangs are strategically designed to provide shade, cutting down on cooling costs. Rainwater-harvesting systems are incorporated into the roof’s design, collecting water for non-potable uses within the building. It perfectly reflects the need for unity and the communal aspiration and it embodies the Port Authority’s progressive and environmentally conscious ethos.


The Jaarbeursplein situated adjacent to the country’s busiest train station has a rich public-transport history. Once a bustling bus station with multiple modes of movement, it now plays a crucial role in Utrecht’s vision of expanding its city centre.

Utrecht takes pride in being a pioneer in promoting Healthy Urban Living and wants to reflect this idea at this prominent location.

The design for Oopen takes this commitment to a new level by focusing on creating a healthy building. However, it goes beyond that. Utrecht is a melting pot of different nationalities, yet this diversity is not always visible in its city centre. The design of Oopen aims to celebrate this diversity and provide meaningful spaces for all the people of Utrecht. Rather than being a building, Oopen is a collection of cogs, expressing movement and also diversity of programme, spaces and scale.

One of the design’s key features is the dual use of these spaces, which opens up possibilities for a wide range of activities within the building. This flexibility and adaptability not only cater to the diverse needs and interests of the city’s inhabitants but also stimulate the synergy of different activities. It creates an environment where individuals from various backgrounds can interact and learn from one another. As a result, each visit promises to be a unique experience, making visitors eager to return time and again.